
Tuesday, 19 May 2015

Cross Country 2015

The cat that ran

“Meow, Meow
“Hiss, Hiss”
Louie stop! I think to myself as I silently(ish) get out of bed as if in slow motion mode so Louie wouldn’t hear me. Suddenly from nowhere a fat cat zinged into my room. It was so fat, it looked like it had eaten Bella (my other cat). I played dead while Louie chased the other cat around my bed. Paws went into my mouth and eyes. Suddenly, I threw the fat cat to the floor. He scrambled up the stairs and I screamed for mum. Mum hears me and zips half way down the stairs. Meeting the cat, mum freezes with horror and dad catches the cat and chucked it outside. Mum runs to me and hugs me while dad deals with Louie. That was the last we ever saw of Mr fat cat.